5 Sure Things You Can Do When You Don’t Know What To Do
the foundation be destroyed what would the righteous do?" (Psalms 11:3) remains an unanswered question as long as we remain where we are, not finding answer to it.
does not separate any one from challenges. In fact it is the beginning of
greater challenges (John 15:19). Challenges that most of the time keeps us
thinking and yearning for solution for quite a very long time because “Man born
of a woman is of few days and filled with troubles.” (Job 14:1).
become stuck in life and not knowing what to do is not restricted to one person,
neither is it to only a particular problem but to all and at different times. I
often experienced the problem of getting stuck and not knowing what to do after
I have achieved a goal. The result of this is, frustration and depression will
locate me later on, because I have been in a place for too long when other
things which were supposed to be achieved are neglected.
things may also be the reason why you are blank, not knowing what to do but be
sure there is something to do whenever there is nothing to do in every
situation. It’s just about finding and applying it.
I love to share with you the solutions I discovered when there was no solution
at sight. They are sure to help you get out that mess keep going no matter what
the trouble is. The following are some of the things I do whenever I don’t know
to do it has help me it can as well be of help to you.
1. Seek God’s Face
happened after this that David inquired of the Lord, saying shall I go up to
any of the cities of Judah and the lord said to him go up David said where
shall I go up? And he said to Hebron. (2 Sam 2:1-2)
is limited to only what his eyes can see but God sees beyond the mountains and
walls. Striving to fix the problem all by yourself may only result to lots of
failed attempt, frustrations and depression. Consulting God can help you fix it
with stress as the scripture attest; “A mains heart plans his way, but the lord
directs his step. (Prov. 16:9)
was a man that was also and always confronted with similar dilemma, confused
and almost defeated but can never be defeated. Why? He has never taking a step
without seeking Gods face. Search the scripture to confirm it. Thus he said; “I
will lift up my eyes to the hill, from whence cometh my help? My help comes
from the Lord” (Ps. 121:1-2). He said this because of his many successes after
consulting God. The lord is ever gracious to give to us clear and definite
answer whenever we seek his face. Here are some of the scriptures of David
inquiry of the Lord and their results (1 Sam. 23:1-13; 30:8-9, 2 Sam. 5:17-21).
2. Wait for God's Reply
2. Wait for God's Reply
most of the time because of impatient do things that are rash because God delay
to reply us. I know the world today have ran out of patient and need all things
right now or never, but have you for once consider that, this is one of the
reasons we run into problem? There is one gift of the Holy Spirit given to all
that are in Christ _peace. The problem is that we often sell it for our needs. We
can harness it again from its root firm for the time until there is a light
from God to lead the way.
Saul’s brutal death came as a result of impatient (1 Sam. 13:8-14, 28:6-20). It
is painful how the Lord’s anointed has fallen. God’s answer may delay but when it comes,
results are always awesome. The saying nice guys finish last is gradually
overtaking the universe so nobody wants to finish last but only do we forget
that they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. Isa. 40:31.
you don’t know what to do, wait and believe God is coming with solution to tell
you what to do, just don’t panic even if things get out hand before he arrives
he will repair the damage and give to you your expected end (Eze. 34:13, Jer.
23:3, 29:11). “Our God is coming, he will not be silent.” cried David. (Psa.
3. Faithfully Follow God's Direction
It was quite absurd for Gideon whose land was besieged by the enemies’ Midianites (thousands in number) to be instructed to select only 300 men out of 32 thousand men for a battle he wasn’t sure even 32 thousand men could overcome (Judges 7 see verses 10-15).
direction may look feeble, unfashionable and outdated. But that is God’s direction,
miss it and you have missed your destiny; “When the cloud was taken up from
above the tabernacle, the children of Israel went onward in all their journeys,
but if the cloud was not taken up, then they did not journey till the day that
it was taken up” (Exo. 40:36-37).
one can follow God and do exploit expect they trust His personality and obey His
every word. When we meet a junction in life, it is best to stop and listen to
the faint voice, it may look or sound very weak but it powers are unimaginable.
“Consider your calling: but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to
put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put
to shame the things which are mighty: and the base things of the things of the
world and things which are despised, God has chosen the things which are not,
to bring to nothing the things are that no flesh should boast in His presence.”
(1 Cor. 1:27-29).
don’t lose anything by following Gods word, but you lose many things keeping
yourself back.
4. Search to Know how Others Overcame.
The bible is filled with characters that where one time or the other stuck just like you. What were the foolish things they did and their results and what where the wise things they did and their results.
bible may be just a small book but there is nothing on earth that anyone can
face that is not written of in it. Save yourself the pain of doing it alone and
read about other people’s story. What they did when they didn’t know what to do
and what their result was.
some of them their solution was to wait on the Lord. For some, it was to repent
and amend their ways. For some, it was courage they needed. For some it was
prayer they needed and on and so forth. In every case their solutions differ
because their problems differs. If you read just about how the world’s
celebrities overcame, the common means they will all refer you to is:
determination, persistence, SMART goal etc. these are good and powerful tools,
but they are for people that are fighting their own battles. God’s people have God
fighting for them so most of the time, it is God that direct not us. So, we
look for how righteous people overcame their difficult times righteously
because we are on the same righteous path.
the scripture there so many victors of your problem, cheering you to victory. Seek
to know what you will do: “Therefore, we also, since we are surrounded by so
great a cloud of weaknesses, let us lay aside every weight, and sin which easily
ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
looking unto Jesus the another and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that
was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and sat down at the
right hand of the throne of God (Heb. 12:1-2). Search the scripture you will
surely find your character there that enable you know what to do.
5. Courageously follow their footprint.
“For whatever things were written before were written for own learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.” (Rom. 15:4). So that you too can know what to do when you don’t know what to do, that is the purpose of the scripture and not about only reading bible stories. In other words it is not enough knowing what they did but also applying them to your life because learning is never complete if it is not practiced. “But be doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving yourselves…” (James. 1:22-25).
you only read about what they did and not do the same, their results will not
be your result. Most of them went through pains, took painful actions and were
happy at the end so you talk about them today as heroes. Their exploits and successes
remain theirs until you do what they did. They are our pace setters, foundation
layers and trail blazers, all you need do is follow the same way they followed,
do the same thing they did and their success will be your success.
those that did not handle their problems rightly, you can learn from their mistakes
and do the opposite of their actions and be blessed by the Lord. Here is a
strong warming against choosing the wrong route: “Lest there be any fornicator
or profane person like Esau, who for one morsel of food sold his birth right.
For you know that afterward, when he wanted to inherit his blessing, he was
rejected. For he found no place for repentance, though he sought it diligently
with tears.” (Heb. 12:16-17).
have been what I normally do when I don’t know what to do. They have helped me
severally and I recommend you try them, you may tell good stories at the end. Believe
it or not there is always something to do when you don’t know what to do, it’s
all about you knowing them. Because Abraham did not see the greener pasture
earlier did not mean there was no greener pasture. It’s only that he was unable
to see it (Gen. 13:14). These few things I do when I don’t know what to do, try
them. They are sure to give you good results. I pray the good Lord see you
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