4 Reasons Why New Converts Easily Backslides
doctrine of once saved always saved is satanic and deceptive. It is Satan’s way
of making the church ineffective as the people that are baptized into the faith
will gradually lose the truth and abandon the faith because it makes them to be
relaxed with the motive “I am saved” after all what else is important.
are two books where the deeds of man are written; the book of life and the book
of death. There is no name that is written with a permanent marker. What keep
your name in any of the books is your deeds. Though your name was written in
the book of life, once you commit evil, automatically your name disappears from
the book of life and appears in the book of death and vice versa (Ps. 69:18, 1
John 3:8, Rev. 20:12; 22:19).
feeling that salvation gives to a believer is always overwhelming: I felt
loosed, like I was freed from a very heavy weight.” confessed a friend after
conversion. This feeling do not just come alone, it comes with a complete
irritation of the world. Government and activities all look corrupted. The
desire for immediate rapture so you can escape this corruption and rest in
peace with God forever in holiness overwhelms you.
1. Not Finding More Truth
The only thing we can use to blunt Satan’s
weapon is by knowing the truth, believing the truth and activating the truth in
our lives. No one of us can deny that our ideology of life when we were yet
fifteen year old is different now that we are adult. Analogically that is what happens
to us when we are newly born into God’s family. Our perception, believe and
understanding concerning the race has to go through stages of maturity until we
are good enough to handle certain matters.
converts often over look this part. They are often carried away concentrating
only on the words they heard from the beginning. Most often if any new
knowledge must come in, it must be from their so believed mentors.
scripture tells to “…know the truth and the truth shall set you free” (John
8:32). At any time that you are equipped with the truth, you cannot be thrown
off balance even if lies and deceptions are making waves. If Jesus Himself didn’t
know the truth He would have been thrown off balance with the temptation at the
pinnacle involving scriptural quotation from Satan himself. (John 4:9-12).
new converts gets satisfied with what they have heard and believed without
making way for more truth so that they can overcome the roaring lion seeking
whom to devour when he comes. The truth we had from the beginning as new
converts is small compare to what is coming ahead.
2. Relaxation After Few Victories
doubt new converts are always powerful Christians. If there are any set of
Christians that can disgrace the devil, it is new converts. Where the problems
often come from is their ability to keep that fire burning. As children in the
lord that they are, they are always overwhelmed seeing God’s manifestations
through their own selves, as a result they think they have made it hence they
relax. Sadly, this is the beginning of their fall, because the fire in them
also will be become relaxed (cold). This same thing happened to Christ’s
disciples; “The seventy returned with joy saying, Lord, even the demons are
subject to us in your name.” Luke 10:17. Consequently the disciples that thought
that they have made it have gone back to their former states. “From that time,
many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more.” John 6:66. Quench
not the spirit.
3. Weakness After Few Failures
statement to the Corinthians was; “I fed you with milk and not with solid food;
for until now you were not able to receive it…” (1 Cor. 3:2). New converts are
endowed with great powers and abilities as it is written “But as many as
received Him, to them gave He power… even to them that believed in His name
(John 1:12). This power makes them feel there is no sad times, no failure and
even undeserved persecution in Christ. Their first, second or third challenge
was a success, so they think and believe all other fights will produce instant
success as usual, little do they know that it happened that way to build their
faith from the scratch because as of then, milk was yet their basic food.
problems cannot go with mere command. Some painful sacrifices like fasting,
forgiveness, lost of status etc. must be offered as prices we pay for the prize
we want to get. This can cause a newly born again Christian to backslide if he
is not aware of it. For some that are aware, their fall comes from their
unwillingness to pay these prices.
problems that only one time prayer could have solved is now taking weeks,
temptation becoming stronger than before, curses and failures and even
persecutions rising from every corner, all aimed at testing and strengthening
their faith. Most new converts don’t see it that way because they thought Canaan
(life in Christ) would be flowing with milk and honey, not knowing it was a
wilderness of severe hunger, thirst and death all in the name of trial. Egypt
(the world) is preferable after all, so they make their way back to Egypt.
4. The Thinking That Life Remains The Way We Met It
Because we think that the life of a believer is as sweet as met it all the time make us make vows upon vows to God and most times not taking into consideration that all we have tasted so far is milk so we think it will all end like that, not knowing that was just the beginning of a great battle.
Christians pass through this process and are really not prepared for anything
else other than what they can see right away, consequently in few months, they
have backslide. Sad enough, God has lost one soul sometimes still in the
church. So as the church is filled to the brim, the ministers keep praising God
for enlargement while God keep getting sad for the mass backsliding of souls. You
too may be one of the. No one can boast of eternal security.
cannot see Jesus on the last day if we just come into repentance and go out. It
is sad, seeing the way there are many falling away from the faith. It is not
about believers not knowing why they gave their lives to Christ, but because
they have falling prey to the devil. Remember “We then that are
strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves.”
(Romans 15:1).
note of these reasons why new converts easily backslide and move your way to
strength in Christ. Place your mind on things that are above and seek only the
kingdom of God above all things. “Nevertheless, do
not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice
because your names are written in heaven.” (Luke 10:2.) May
the good Lord be your ultimate strength in Jesus name. Amen.
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