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Taking The Devil By The Horn

   We all have weaknesses in either one area or more in our lives. That is what makes us humans. These weaknesses are the devil's fighting weapon (horn). There is no one man that can boast of not having any. These weak areas become our holes through which the devil come in and have dominion over our lives, destinies, happiness, families and many more.  We have become captives to the devil because of this. How can we be happy when we are often confronted by our fears? Or how can we do more when our fears are the devil’s weapon and security. This is a hard saying because it is either we are afraid of this or that.  The devil know this very well, so whenever we want to do something contrary to his will he quickly present these fears and we just shrink back to our shell. The devil is playing with our happiness by keeping us in fear because he knows if we are freely acting within the power and authority given to us in Christ Jesus, he has no stand agai...

5 Sure Things You Can Do When You Don’t Know What To Do

"If the foundation be destroyed what would the righteous do ?" ( P salms 11:3) remains an un answered question as long as we remain w here we are , not fin ding ans wer to it.   Christianity does not separate any one from challenges. In fact it is the beginning of greater challenges (John 15:19). Challenges that most of the time keeps us thinking and yearning for solution for quite a very long time because “Man born of a woman is of few days and filled with troubles.” (Job 14:1). To become stuck in life and not knowing what to do is not restricted to one person, neither is it to only a particular problem but to all and at different times. I often experienced the problem of getting stuck and not knowing what to do after I have achieved a goal. The result of this is, frustration and depression will locate me later on, because I have been in a place for too long when other things which were supposed to be achieved are neglected. Other things may also be the r...

3 Believes to avoid In times of sufferings

Satan is good at nothing else but telling lies from the beginning, either through accusation or pretending to be a friend. His lies seem to be more effective when we are trapped in circumstances that would not go for a very long time. We most times are forced to believe him because the time we expected to have come out of the trap has long passed yet no sign of the end. So he probably may come back mockingly to say: “I told you.” Then gradually we may start yielding to his persuasions. The devil is a great liar. Telling or hearing success stories is a sweet and beautiful experience. It gives us joy and evokes our ego, but if you have ever experience a stubborn problem before you will agree that there are many things you are saying now that you forgot to say when you were still facing the problem. Problems are greater than problems. When we are faced with one that is stubborn, our countenance changes; it doesn’t give any chance to think correctly, neither does it tel...